
This is the 951st most frequent Slovak word.

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"Prahe" in Slovak means "threshold" (e.g., doorstep or figuratively as a starting point).

The word 'Prahe' refers to the city of Prague in the locative case, used to indicate location in Slovak.

Bývam v Prahe a je to nádherné mesto.

I live in Prague, and it is a beautiful city.

Here, 'Prahe' is again in the locative case, describing the place where the book was found.

Našiel si tú knihu na Prahe v knižnici?

Did you find that book in Prague, in the library?

'Prahe' is used in locative case to specify a point in Prague as a reference of the time being discussed.

Roky predtým, ako sme prišli na Prahe, som nikdy nevidel takú architektúru.

Years before we came to Prague, I had never seen such architecture.