
This is the 342nd most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "predsedu" means "chairman" or "head" in English, in the accusative singular form.

In this sentence, 'predsedu' is in the accusative case, indicating that it is the direct object of the action 'zvolili' (elected).

Nového predsedu zvolili minulý týždeň.

A new chairman was elected last week.

Here, 'predsedu' is also in the accusative case, showing it is the direct object of the verb 'stretli' (met).

Stretli sme predsedu na konferencii.

We met the chairman at the conference.

In this sentence, 'predsedovi' is in the locative case, used with the preposition 'o' (about) to indicate the topic of discussion.

Počas diskusie sme hovorili o predsedovi.

During the discussion, we talked about the chairman.