
This is the 264th most frequent Slovak word.

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"Prokurátora" in English means "prosecutor's office" or "prosecution."

In this sentence, 'prokurátora' is the subject referring to the prosecutor, focusing on the role of this person in legal proceedings.

Prokurátora práve prišla do súdnej siene.

The prosecutor just arrived in the courtroom.

Here, 'prokurátora' is used in the context of describing someone's professional role and responsibilities in the legal field.

Rozprávali sme sa o práci prokurátora v miestnej prokuratúre.

We talked about the work of the prosecutor at the local prosecutor's office.

In this sentence, 'prokurátora' acts as the object of the action 'saw,' referring to the individual fulfilling this professional role.

Videl som prokurátora pred kaviarňou včera.

I saw the prosecutor in front of the café yesterday.