
This is the 814th most frequent Slovak word.

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"Prospech" in English means "benefit" or "advantage."

In this context, 'prospech' refers to positive performance or success related to school or studies.

Pre dosiahnutie prospechu v škole je dôležité sa pravidelne učiť.

To achieve success in school, it is important to study regularly.

'Prospech' here is used to indicate the general benefit or well-being that results from an action targeting a group or community.

Charita pracuje pre prospech celej komunity.

The charity works for the benefit of the entire community.

Here, 'prospech' represents the advantageous outcome or benefit perceived by multiple parties.

Vždy sa snažím rozhodnúť tak, aby to bolo na prospech všetkých zúčastnených.

I always try to make decisions that are beneficial for all involved.