
This is the 816th most frequent Slovak word.

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"Protesty" in Slovak means "protests" in English.

Here, 'protesty' refers to organized public demonstrations aimed at expressing a collective opinion.

Protesty v meste pritiahnli veľkú pozornosť médií.

The protests in the city attracted great media attention.

Here, 'protesty' signifies events where individuals conglomerate to manifest their opinions or standpoints, often against a certain act or decision.

Ľudia z celého regiónu sa zhromaždili na plánované protesty.

People from the entire region gathered for the planned protests.

In this sentence, 'protesty' denotes the actions or events where people collectively voice their opinions or dissatisfaction.

V rámci protestov vyjadrili svoju nespokojnosť s rozhodnutím.

Within the protests, they expressed their discontent with the decision.