
This is the 209th most frequent Slovak word.

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"Prvom" is the instrumental singular form of "prvý," meaning "first" in English.

In this sentence, 'prvom' is used in the expression 'v prvom rade,' which translates to 'first and foremost' or 'in the first place,' referring to prioritization.

V prvom rade sa musíme sústrediť na dôležité úlohy.

First and foremost, we need to focus on important tasks.

In this sentence, 'prvom' refers to the ordinal number 'first,' describing the location of something on the first floor of a building.

Na prvom poschodí nájdete hlavný vchod.

On the first floor, you will find the main entrance.

In this sentence, 'prvom' is used to describe that the subject's victory was the first one in a sequence of possible events.

Bol to jeho prvom víťazstve v kariére.

It was his first victory in his career.