
This is the 673rd most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "práci" translates to "work" in English, typically in the locative or dative case.

Here, 'práci' is the locative case of 'práca', meaning 'work' or 'job', used after the preposition 'po' which requires the locative case.

Som unavený po práci.

I am tired after work.

In this sentence, 'práci' is in the locative case, used to indicate where activities are to be done, specifically, in the context of 'at work'.

Mám veľa vecí na práci.

I have a lot of things to do at work.

Here, 'práci' is again in the locative case and indicates the place (at work) where an action occurred.

Obsadili nového kolegu v práci.

They hired a new colleague at work.