
This is the 563rd most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "rozdiel" means "difference" in English.

The word 'rozdiel' in this sentence indicates a comparison, emphasizing the distinguishing aspects between the two books.

Rozdiel medzi týmito dvomi knihami je v ich obsahu.

The difference between these two books is in their content.

In this context, 'rozdiel' specifies a particular variation within observed attributes, i.e., the cover color.

Jednoduchý rozdiel medzi nimi je vo farbe ich obalov.

A simple difference between them is in the color of their covers.

Here, 'rozdiel' is used more abstractly to symbolize a point that can trigger positive development.

Rozdiel môže byť dobrou príležitosťou na zlepšenie.

A difference can be a good opportunity for improvement.