
This is the 491st most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "rôznych" means "various" or "different" in English.

Here, 'rôznych' means 'different' and is used as an adjective modifying the plural noun 'krajín' (countries)

Navštívil som veľa rôznych krajín.

I visited many different countries.

'Rôznych' here describes individuals, emphasizing variety or diversity among the people referred to.

Poznáme rôznych ľudí s rôznymi záujmami.

We know different people with different interests.

In this sentence, 'rôznych' describes the plural noun 'svetadielov' (continents).

Súťaže sa zúčastnili tímy z rôznych svetadielov.

Teams from different continents participated in the competition.