
This is the 435th most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "sezóne" means "season" (locative or dative singular form).

Here, 'sezóne' is used in the context of a specific period or季节 to signify the time further explained as 'this season' in English.

V tejto sezóne sme oprášili staré športové vybavenie.

This season, we dusted off old sports equipment.

In this example, 'sezóne' refers to a seasonal period for certain produce or activities, highlighting the timing aspect.

Najlepšie jedlo v sezóne je čerstvé ovocie.

The best food during the season is fresh fruit.

This usage portrays 'sezóne' in terms of a peak period or touristique période, illustrating increased activity during certain months.

Turistov bolo v sezóne podstatne viac než ostatné mesiace.

There were significantly more tourists during the season than in the other months.