
This is the 522nd most frequent Slovak word.

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"Sezóny" in English means "seasons."

Here, 'sezóny' signifies a distinct period of time (summer season) associated with specific activities.

Chodím na festival každý rok počas letnej sezóny.

I attend the festival every year during the summer season.

In this context, 'sezóny' refers to agricultural or natural cycles that dictate activities such as planting or harvesting.

V našom regióne pestujeme rôzne druhy ovocia podľa sezóny.

In our region, we cultivate different types of fruits according to the season.

Here, 'sezóny' implies cyclical periods that affect economic factors such as production or pricing.

Náklady na výrobu sa menia podľa sezóny.

Production costs fluctuate according to the season.