
This is the 168th most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "situácie" means "situations" in English.

Here the word 'situáciách' (the plural dative form of 'situácie') is used within a prepositional phrase, describing circumstances or conditions.

V ťažkých situáciách sa vždy snažím byť pokojný.

In difficult situations, I always try to stay calm.

In this example, 'situácie' (the singular genitive form of 'situácia') is employed to specify a particular condition or issue.

Každý vie, že riešenie tejto situácie je dôležité.

Everyone knows that solving this situation is important.

Here, 'situácií' (the plural genitive form of 'situácie') is used to describe various scenarios or contexts.

Študenti mali cvičenia na rozpoznávanie rôznych situácií.

The students had exercises on recognizing different situations.