
This is the 137th most frequent Slovak word.

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"Slov" is the genitive plural form of the Slovak word "slovo," meaning "word."

Here, 'slov' is in the genitive plural form of the word 'slovo', meaning words, used to indicate possession or quantity.

Kniha obsahuje veľa múdrych slov.

The book contains many wise words.

Here, 'slov' represents multiple words with dual interpretations, highlighting its semantic aspect.

Často sa zasmejeme na význame dvojzmyselných slov.

We often laugh at the meaning of ambiguous words.

'Slov' is used to describe 'of the poem', showing that the words belong to or are derived from the poem.

Zo slov tej básne som pocítil hlboký cit.

From the words of that poem, I felt a deep emotion.