
This is the 953rd most frequent Slovak word.

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"Slovana" is not a standalone word in Slovak; it might be a form or misspelling related to "Slovanka" (Slavic woman) or "Slovan" (Slav).

Here, 'Slovana' is the accusative singular form of 'Slovan', referring to a Slav person.

Ako Slovana ma zaujíma kultúra Slovanov.

As a Slav, I am interested in the culture of Slavs.

In this sentence, 'Slovana' is in a genitive singular form as it is preceded by the possessive 'historického' and signifies possession.

Obdivujem odvahu historického Slovana, ktorý čelil mnohým výzvam.

I admire the courage of a historical Slav who faced many challenges.

In this example, 'Slovana' is used in the locative singular to describe a specific person from the Slavs in a situational context.

Niečo o Slovanoch som počul od Slovana, ktorý tam bol.

I heard something about Slavs from a Slav who was there.