
This is the 296th most frequent Slovak word.

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"Services" (genitive plural form).

Here, 'služieb' is used as a genitive plural form of 'služba', referring to various types of public services.

Využívanie verejných služieb je pre občanov dôležité.

Using public services is important for citizens.

In this sentence, 'služieb' represents the genitive plural form of 'služba', discussing the assortment of services provided by a business.

Rozšírenie ponúkaných služieb môže prilákať viac zákazníkov.

Expanding the offered services can attract more customers.

Here, 'služieb' conveys the genitive plural form of 'služba', symbolizing the unavailability of various services essential in certain locations.

Nedostatok služieb na vidieku predstavuje prekážku pre jeho rozvoj.

The lack of services in rural areas poses an obstacle to its development.