
This is the 608th most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "sociálne" means "social" in English.

Here, "sociálne" serves as an attribute specifying "sciences" (vedy) and denotes the academic discipline related to society and human behavior.

Na univerzite študuje sociálne vedy, ako je sociológia alebo antropológia.

At the university, he studies social sciences, such as sociology or anthropology.

In this context, "sociálne" describes the "conditions" (podmienky) and refers to aspects affecting the societal well-being.

Tá organizácia pomáha zlepšiť sociálne podmienky v komunite.

That organization helps improve social conditions in the community.

In this sentence, the term "sociálne" is used as an adjective modifying "questions" (otázky), with the meaning related to social or societal matters.

Sociálne otázky sú dôležité pre stabilizáciu spoločnosti.

Social issues are important for the stabilization of society.