
This is the 682nd most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "spoločností" means "of companies" or "of societies" (genitive plural form).

As a plural instrumental noun, 'spoločnosťami' is used here to mean 'corporations' or 'companies', indicating entities partaking in cooperation.

Naša firma spolupracovala s viacerými veľkými spoločnosťami.

Our company collaborated with several large corporations.

Here, 'spoločností' is a plural genitive case noun meaning 'of companies', describing the types that require legal adjustments.

Rôzne typy spoločností si vyžadujú rôzne právne úpravy.

Different types of companies require different legal adjustments.

In this sentence, 'spoločností' is in the plural genitive case, referring to 'of companies' and describing what is being studied.

Študoval štruktúry spoločností na univerzite.

He studied the structures of companies at the university.