
This is the 913th most frequent Slovak word.

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"Spomína" means "remembers" or "mentions" in English.

Here, 'spomína' conveys the meaning of 'being mentioned or referred to in context.'

• V knihe sa často spomína dôležitosť rodiny.

In the book, the importance of family is often mentioned.

In this context, 'spomínam' means 'to remember or recall an event.'

• Spomínam si, že sme sa už stretli na tej konferencii.

I remember that we have already met at that conference.

In this sentence, the word 'spomínal' is used to mean 'reminiscing' or 'recalling memories from the past.'

• Včera na oslave Ján spomínal na svoje detstvo.

Yesterday at the celebration, Ján reminisced about his childhood.