
This is the 260th most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "stavu" means "state" or "condition" in English.

In this sentence, 'stavu' is used in the genitive case referring to the state of something, indicating possession or association.

Momentálny stav počítača je nestabilný.

The current state of the computer is unstable.

Here, 'stavu' denotes a particular condition or situation, specifically referring to health.

Dostal som sa do vážneho zdravotného stavu.

I got into a serious health condition.

In this instance, 'stavu' is used in a context showing the condition or current circumstances of an object, in this case, a garden.

Potrebujeme riešenie na zlepšenie stavu našej záhrady.

We need a solution to improve the condition of our garden.