
This is the 610th most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "stovky" translates to "hundreds" in English.

Here, 'stovky' is used as a noun (a plural form) meaning 'hundreds,' indicating a large quantity.

V knižnici majú stovky kníh.

The library has hundreds of books.

In this context, 'stovky' again signifies 'hundreds,' used to approximate or describe the quantity, specifically referring to people.

Stovky ľudí sa zhromaždili na námestí.

Hundreds of people gathered at the square.

Here, 'stovky' conveys an exaggerated quantity ('hundreds') to emphasize the abundance of reasons possible in a figurative sense.

Môžeš mi dať stovky dôvodov, prečo by som to mal skúsiť.

You can give me hundreds of reasons why I should try it.