
This is the 744th most frequent Slovak word.

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"Stretnutie" means "meeting" or "encounter" in English.

Here, 'stretnutie' is used to mean a 'meeting' as a formal assembly or gathering.

Máme naplánované stretnutie v pondelok o desiatej.

We have a scheduled meeting on Monday at ten o'clock.

In this context, 'stretnutie' means an 'encounter,' referring to an individual meeting or coming together.

Stretnutie s ním bolo napínavé, dozvedel som sa veľa nového.

The encounter with him was thrilling; I learned a lot of new things.

Here, 'stretnutie' is used metaphorically to signify a symbolic 'meeting' with an abstract concept like 'truth'.

Jeho stretnutie s pravdou ho nakoniec zmenilo.

His confrontation with the truth ultimately changed him.