
This is the 437th most frequent Slovak word.

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"Svojimi" means "with/by his/her/its/their own" in English.

Here, "svojimi" is a reflexive possessive pronoun, indicating ownership, referring to Pavol himself.

Počas rozhovoru sa Pavol podelil so svojimi skúsenosťami.

During the conversation, Pavol shared his experiences.

In this sentence, "svojimi" implies the speaker's possession referring to 'friends' that she reunited with.

Stretla som svojimi starými priateľmi na trhovisku.

I met my old friends at the marketplace.

Here, "svojimi" indicates that the toys belong to the children themselves (reflexive use).

Deti sa hrali svojimi hračkami celú noc.

The children played with their toys all night.