
This is the 42nd most frequent Slovak word.

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"Toho" in Slovak means "that" (genitive singular masculine or animate).

Here, 'toho' functions as a partitive pronoun referring to an indefinite amount or quantity of 'work' that won't be accomplished.

Mám veľa práce, takže na záhradu dnes toho nestihnem.

I have a lot of work, so I won't manage to do much in the garden today.

In this case, 'toho' is used as a demonstrative pronoun in the genitive case to indicate specificity of 'man'.

Toho muža som včera videl v parku.

I saw that man in the park yesterday.

Here, 'toho' functions as a demonstrative pronoun in the genitive case referring to something previously mentioned or understood in the context.

Musíme si toho viac vážiť.

We must appreciate that more.