
This is the 704th most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "tv" does not exist as a standalone word; it may be an abbreviation or a typo.

In this sentence, 'tv' stands for 'televízia' (television), a device or medium for broadcasting visual content.

Zapol som si tv a pozeral som obľúbený seriál.

I turned on the TV and watched my favorite series.

Here, 'tv' is used to describe the object (television) itself, specifying the context of the purchase.

V obchode som kupil novú tv s veľkou obrazovkou.

I bought a new TV with a large screen at the store.

'tv' is used here as a noun representing the television device in the context of its placement in a location.

Rozmýšľali sme, kde umiestnime novú tv v obývačke.

We were considering where to place the new TV in the living room.