
This is the 345th most frequent Slovak word.

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Certainly; definitely.

In this sentence, 'určite' is used as an adverb to express strong assurance or determination.

Určite si ráno nezabudni vziať kľúče.

Certainly, don't forget to take your keys in the morning.

Here, 'určite' functions as an adverb to emphasize the inevitability or high probability of an event.

Ak budeš študovať, úspech určite príde.

If you study, success will certainly come.

In this context, 'určiť' is a verb that means 'to determine' or 'to specify' and denotes the action of identifying or defining something.

Je dôležité presne určiť príčiny problému.

It is important to precisely determine the causes of the problem.