
This is the 689th most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "vakcín" means "vaccines" in English.

Here, 'vakcín' refers to the general concept of vaccines in the plural form, emphasizing innovation and research.

Výskumníci vyvíjajú nové typy vakcín.

Researchers are developing new types of vaccines.

In this case, 'vakcín' is used to discuss the logistics and distribution aspects of vaccines during a significant event, the pandemic.

Distribúcia vakcín počas pandémie bola výzvou.

The distribution of vaccines during the pandemic was a challenge.

In this sentence, 'vakcínu' refers to a preventive medical preparation administered to provide immunity against a disease, emphasizing its role in protection.

Lekár odporučil podať vakcínu na ochranu proti chrípke.

The doctor recommended administering a vaccine for flu protection.