
This is the 690th most frequent Slovak word.

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"Verejnej" means "public" (feminine genitive/dative form).

In this context, "verejnej" is used as an adjective to describe the type of administration (public).

Denne sa v centre konala konferencia verejnej správy.

Today, a conference on public administration was held in the center.

Here, "verejnej" is used to specify the type of transportation (public transportation).

Projekt sa týka zlepšenia služieb verejnej dopravy.

The project concerns the improvement of public transportation services.

In this case, "verejnej" describes the type of debate, indicating that it is open to the public.

Kniha pojednáva o dôležitosti verejnej debaty v spoločnosti.

The book discusses the importance of public debate in society.