
This is the 502nd most frequent Slovak word.

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"Veľkej" means "big" or "large" in the genitive or dative singular feminine form in English.

Used as an attributive adjective agreeing in gender, number, and case with the noun 'rodine' (dative singular feminine).

Tento dom patrí mojej veľmi veľkej rodine.

This house belongs to my very big family.

Used as an attributive adjective modifying the noun 'mačku' (accusative singular feminine).

Videla som tú veľkú mačku, ako prebehla cez cestu.

I saw that big cat run across the road.

Used as an attributive adjective modifying the noun 'výšky' (genitive singular feminine).

Bývali sme v izbe s výhľadom na park z veľkej výšky.

We stayed in a room with a view of the park from a great height.