
This is the 55th most frequent Slovak word.

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"Veľmi" means "very" in English.

The word 'veľmi' is used as an adverb to intensify the adjective 'zaujímavý' (interesting).

Tento film je veľmi zaujímavý.

This movie is very interesting.

The word 'veľmi' is used to modify the verb phrase 'urobil radosť' (made happy), describing the extent of the action.

Tvoj darček mi veľmi urobil radosť.

Your gift made me very happy.

The word 'veľmi' is used as an adverb to amplify the degree of the adjective 'unavený' (tired).

Dnes ráno som sa cítil veľmi unavený.

I felt very tired this morning.