
This is the 776th most frequent Slovak word.

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"Vladimír" is a Slovak male given name, derived from Slavic elements meaning "ruler" or "great" and "peace" or "world."

Here, 'Vladimír' serves as a proper noun, representing a person's name.

Vladimír je môj najlepší priateľ.

Vladimír is my best friend.

In this example, 'Vladimír' is used as a name with historical or legendary connotations, referring to a prince.

Niekoľko románov sa zaoberá legendou o kniežati Vladimírovi.

Several novels deal with the legend of Prince Vladimír.

Here, 'Vladimír' denotes a specific individual's achievements, contextualized in history.

Čítal som historickú knihu o Vladimírovom úspechu.

I read a historical book about Vladimír's success.