
This is the 440th most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "vláde" means "to the government" in English.

In this sentence, 'vláde' is used in the dative case as an indirect object of the verb 'obviňuje' (accuses) to show the receiving entity of the action.

Politická situácia v krajine je napätá, pretože opozícia obviňuje vláde.

The political situation in the country is tense because the opposition accuses the government.

Here, 'vláde' again appears in the dative case, used to indicate toward whom the action of expressing trust is directed.

Občan prejavuje dôveru vláde vo voľbách.

The citizen expresses trust in the government during the elections.

In this instance, a related word, 'vládne', functioning as an adjective modifying 'činnosti' (activities), is derived from the word 'vláda' to attribute ownership or association.

Vládne činnosti sú diskutované na verejných fórach.

Government activities are discussed in public forums.