
This is the 830th most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "vražde" means "murder" in English.

Here, 'vraždy' is in the genitive singular form referring to the act of murder itself, as part of prepositional expression 'z vraždy' (of murder).

Polícia vyšetruje podozrenie z vraždy.

The police are investigating a suspicion of murder.

In this sentence, 'vražde' is in the dative singular form used after the preposition 'o' (about) to indicate the topic being spoken about.

Svedok vypovedal svedectvo o vražde.

The witness testified about the murder.

Here, 'vražde' is in the dative singular form following the preposition 'k' (to/about) to denote the context or subject being addressed.

Obvinený sa vyjadril k vražde.

The accused commented on the murder.