
This is the 530th most frequent Slovak word.

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"Vychádzania" means "getting along" or "coexistence" in English.

In this sentence, 'vychádzaní' is used to denote the act of leaving or exiting a building.

Dôležité je dodržiavať pravidlá pri vychádzaní z budovy.

It is important to follow rules when exiting the building.

Here, 'vychádzaním' refers to the ability to maintain good relations or get along with family members.

Niekedy máme problémy s vychádzaním v rodine.

Sometimes we have issues with getting along in the family.

In this context, 'vychádzanie' signifies the act of appearing or going out publicly.

Vychádzanie na verejnosť môže byť náročné po dlhej izolácii.

Going out in public can be challenging after long isolation.