
This is the 616th most frequent Slovak word.

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"Vytvoriť" means "to create."

The word 'vytvoriť' here is used to mean 'create' or 'initiate' as in beginning or developing something new.

Chcem vytvoriť nový projekt na zlepšenie vzdelávania.

I want to create a new project to improve education.

'Vytvoriť' in this context implies 'generate' as in producing or constructing something based on input.

Tento program dokáže vytvoriť rôzne grafy zo zadaných údajov.

This program can generate various graphs from the given data.

Here, 'vytvoriť' is used in the sense of 'build' or 'foster', referring to developing intangible or social constructs.

Je dôležité vytvoriť si pozitívne vzťahy s kolegami.

It is important to build positive relationships with colleagues.