
This is the 924th most frequent Slovak word.

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"Vyzvala" means "she/it called on, invited, or challenged" in English.

In this sentence, 'vyzvala' means 'invited' or 'encouraged', referring to asking someone in a polite or encouraging way.

Vyzvala svojich študentov, aby sa zapojili do diskusie.

She invited her students to participate in the discussion.

In this context, 'vyzval' (masculine form) means 'invited' or 'requested', indicating a formal or respectful articulation of a suggestion.

Rozhodca vyzval kapitánov mužstiev, aby si podali ruky.

The referee invited the team captains to shake hands.

Here, 'vyzvala' is used to mean 'called upon' or 'urged', showing an appeal to a group for action.

Organizácia vyzvala verejnosť na pomoc postihnutým.

The organization called upon the public to help those affected.