
This is the 574th most frequent Slovak word.

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"Vzťah" in English means "relationship."

The word 'vzťah' here refers to the connection or relationship with one's family, indicating a positive interaction and bond.

Mám dobrý vzťah s mojou rodinou.

I have a good relationship with my family.

In this case, 'vzťah' is used in a scientific or analytical context to describe a linkage or correlation between two concepts or phenomena.

Vzťah medzi týmito dvoma javmi je zložitejší.

The relationship between these two phenomena is more complex.

Here, 'vzťah' represents a romantic affiliation with another person, highlighting the emotional and personal nature of this type of connection.

Jeho nový vzťah mu priniesol veľa šťastia.

His new relationship brought him a lot of happiness.