
This is the 495th most frequent Slovak word.

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"Zabezpečiť" means "to ensure" or "to secure."

In this sentence, 'zabezpečiť' implies ensuring or providing security or guarantees for something.

Je dôležité zabezpečiť bezpečnosť všetkých účastníkov na podujatí.

It is important to ensure the safety of all participants at the event.

In this context, 'zabezpečiť' is used to imply obtaining or arranging resources like funding.

Riaditeľ spoločnosti sľubuje zabezpečiť financie na realizáciu projektu.

The company director promises to secure funding for the project implementation.

Here, 'zabezpečiť' means to secure or obtain something needed, such as seating arrangements.

Organizátori museli zabezpečiť dostatok miest na sedenie pre hostí.

The organizers had to secure enough seating for the guests.