
This is the 367th most frequent Slovak word.


"Zdôraznil" means "emphasized" in English.

In this sentence, 'zdôraznil' is used to indicate that the lecturer stressed or highlighted a specific important point.

Prednášajúci zdôraznil dôležitosť pravidelného opakovania.

The lecturer emphasized the importance of regular revision.

Here, 'zdôraznil' is applied to show that the principal pointed out or underlined the value of collaboration.

Riaditeľ školy zdôraznil význam spolupráce medzi žiakmi a učiteľmi.

The school principal emphasized the significance of collaboration between students and teachers.

In this usage, 'zdôraznil' signifies that the journalist brought attention to and underlined a notable issue or contradiction.

Novinár zdôraznil nesúlad medzi oficiálnymi správami a realitou.

The journalist emphasized the discrepancy between official reports and reality.