
This is the 391st most frequent Slovak word.

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"Increased" or "raised."

Here, 'zvýšil' is used to indicate that Peter made an effort or change that resulted in a higher level of productivity.

Peter zvýšil svoju produktivitu v práci.

Peter increased his productivity at work.

In this example, 'zvýšil' reflects an intentional action taken by an entity (the state) to raise an allocation (funding for schools).

Štát zvýšil financovanie škôl o 10%.

The state increased school funding by 10%.

In this sentence, 'zvýšil' (here in the reflexive form 'zvýšila') is used to describe a rise in the value of a quantity (the price of gasoline).

Cena benzínu sa zvýšila počas minulého mesiaca.

The price of gasoline increased during the last month.