
This is the 839th most frequent Slovak word.

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"Úmrtie" in English means "death."

Here, 'úmrtie' is used as a noun to denote a death event, specifically referring to the death of someone's relative.

Úmrtie jeho strýka ho hlboko zasiahlo.

The death of his uncle deeply affected him.

In this sentence, 'úmrtí' is the plural form of 'úmrtie' used to refer to the statistical concept of deaths.

Počet úmrtí v meste sa tento rok zvýšil.

The number of deaths in the city increased this year.

This use of 'úmrtia' again in plural reflects a broader context of death as an outcome of specific events.

Spomíname si na všetky úmrtia spôsobené prírodnými katastrofami.

We remember all the deaths caused by natural disasters.