
This is the 442nd most frequent Slovak word.

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"Čaputová" is a Slovak surname, often referring to Zuzana Čaputová, the President of Slovakia.

In this sentence, "Čaputová" refers to the surname of a known individual, used as a proper noun.

Prezidentka Čaputová je známa svojou prácou.

President Čaputová is known for her work.

Here, "Čaputová" is used as a subject related to actions performed by the individual.

Mnohí obdivujú reči, ktoré Čaputová prednáša.

Many admire the speeches that Čaputová delivers.

In this case, "Čaputová" demonstrates her role as an initiator in a formal context.

Tému bola prebraná po tom, ako Čaputová navrhla zmeny.

The topic was discussed after Čaputová proposed changes.