
This is the 580th most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "členom" means "a member" in English.

In this sentence, 'členom' indicates eligibility or potential to hold a position as a member within a committee.

Po schválení žiadosti sa môžeš stať členom výboru.

After the approval of the application, you may become a committee member.

Here, 'členom' is used in the instrumental case with the verb 'bol' (was) to express the state of being part of a group over a period of time.

Bol som členom tejto organizácie niekoľko rokov.

I was a member of this organization for several years.

The word 'členom' functions as the instrumental case of 'člen' (member), indicating being or becoming part of a group or organization.

Martin sa stal členom našej knižnej klubu.

Martin became a member of our book club.