
This is the 534th most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "ďalšom" translates to "next" or "another" (in the locative singular masculine form) in English.

The word "ďalšom" here acts as an adjective modifying the noun "roku" (year) to denote the following or succeeding year.

V ďalšom roku sa plánujem naučiť niečo nové.

In the next year, I plan to learn something new.

The word "ďalšom" is used as an adjective describing "projekte" (project), indicating the next one in sequence.

Na ďalšom projekte budeme spolupracovať s inou firmou.

On the next project, we will collaborate with another company.

In this context, "ďalšom" describes "poschodí" (floor), specifying the following floor directly above or below the current one.

Videl som ju na ďalšom poschodí.

I saw her on the next floor.