
This is the 225th most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "ľuďom" means "to people" or "to the people" (dative plural of "ľudia," meaning "people").

The word "ľuďom" is in the dative plural case, used to indicate the indirect object of the verb "help".

Pomáham ľuďom v núdzi.

I help people in need.

In this sentence, "ľuďom" is again in the dative plural case, utilized to indicate whom the action of showing is directed towards.

Ukážem ľuďom nové metódy.

I will show new methods to the people.

Here, "ľuďom" also appears in the dative plural case, serving as the indirect object recipient of the explanation.

Vysvetlil som to ľuďom na našej schôdzi.

I explained this to the people at our meeting.