
This is the 278th most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "školstva" means "education" or "school system" in English.

In this sentence, "školstva" is in the genitive case, indicating possession or association, meaning it refers to the system of education.

Reforma školstva je aktuálnou témou vo verejných diskusiách.

The reform of education is a current topic in public discussions.

Here, "školstva" represents the field or sphere of education, specifying the context in which the innovations are to be supported.

Potrebujeme podporovať inovácie v oblasti školstva.

We need to support innovations in the field of education.

In this sentence, "školstva" is used to specify the sector or area being discussed, namely, the educational sector.

Financovanie školstva je stále nedostatočné.

The funding for education remains insufficient.