
This is the 348th most frequent Slovak word.

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"Štyroch" means "four" in the genitive or accusative case in Slovak.

The word 'štyroch' is the form of the number 'four' (štyri) in the genitive plural case, used here to quantify masculine animate nouns, like 'priateľov' (friends).

Mám štyroch priateľov.

I have four friends.

The word 'štyroch' is used as the genitive plural form due to the preposition 'do' implied in the temporal expression, quantifying time duration.

Trvá to štyroch hodín.

It lasts for four hours.

The word 'štyroch' modifies 'strán' (sides) in the genitive case, used for describing the sides as a group or a collective idea.

Na stole sú štyroch strán.

On the table, there are four sides.