
This is the 464th most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "štábu" means "staff" or "headquarters" in English, depending on context.

"štábu" refers to the staff or team collaborating on a project, used in genitive singular form.

Členovia štábu navrhli ďalší postup projektu.

The members of the staff proposed the next steps of the project.

"štábu" is used to denote the military staff or headquarters, showing the genitive singular usage here.

Diskutovalo sa o plánoch vojenského štábu.

The plans of the military staff were discussed.

"štábu" refers to a film crew or team, employed in genitive singular form to indicate possession or association.

Fotografovanie sa uskutoční za účasti filmového štábu.

The photography will take place with the participation of the film crew.