
This is the 629th most frequent Slovak word.

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"Štátneho" means "of the state" or "state-owned" in English.

The word 'štátneho' is used in its genitive singular masculine form (according to the rules of Slovak grammar) to indicate possession ('of the state museum').

Navštívili sme galériu štátneho múzea.

We visited the gallery of the state museum.

Here, 'štátneho' modifies the noun 'majetku' (property), denoting the type of ownership—belonging to the state.

Ochrana štátneho majetku je dôležitá.

The protection of state property is important.

In this context, 'štátneho' describes the office as an entity that belongs to or is operated by the state.

Požiadal o povolenie od štátneho úradu.

He requested permission from the state office.