
This is the 392nd most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "štátoch" is the locative plural form of "štát," meaning "states" (as in countries or regions) in English.

'štátoch' here refers to envisioned political states in plural, used in the locative case to describe the context where considerations take place.

Rozhodnutia o budúcich štátoch sa robia v parlamente.

Decisions about future states are made in the parliament.

'štátoch' is in the plural locative case and indicates a connection or a relation among several distinct states or regions.

Cesty medzi rôznymi štátoch sú často dobre udržiavané.

Routes between different states are often well-maintained.

'štátoch' is the plural locative case of 'štát' (state), used to describe being in multiple states or in a federal country like the United States.

V Spojených štátoch žije mnoho rôznych národností.

In the United States, many different nationalities reside.