
This is the 314th most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "štátov" means "of states" in English.

Here, 'štáty' is used as a part of a proper noun referring to a specific collection of states within a federation.

Spojené štáty americké sú veľká krajina.

The United States of America is a large country.

In this example, 'štáty' denotes individual sovereign countries that are members of the organization.

Členmi organizácie sú štáty z celého sveta.

The members of the organization are states from all over the world.

Here, 'štátov' (used in its genitive plural form) means 'states' in the sense of political entities, emphasizing their number.

Demokratické štátov je viac než kedykoľvek predtým.

There are more democratic states than ever before.